Jupiter Trine or Sextile Venus

© 2004 Curtis Manwaring

Jupiter Trine Sextile Venus Transiting Jupiter trine or sextile your natal Venus. It is favorable for romance, socializing, going to parties and anything that involves amusement. It is not a time in which you are likely to feel especially ambitious. You may notice that your popularity rises and that money and success seems to come more easily to you. You may find a new love interest. On a physical level you may notice a craving for sweets. Along with this there is the tendency to overindulge, so be careful, or you may not feel very good afterwards.

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If Venus is lord of your first house, this is usually a very self indulgent time. Most tend to gain weight and lack discipline. Otherwise this is a happy and uplifting time, and a time for celebration.

If lord of the 2nd, this can indicate a financial windfall, or can indicate loose handling of finances. Normally you will not need to worry about financial problems, but you are likely to be extravagant now more than usual.

If lord of the 3rd, you may be interested in education or travel for the sake of pleasure. Relationships with relatives is better than usual. Someone you know may drop in from out of town to visit.

If lord of the 4th, you may have interest in beautification of your surroundings, particularly your home. Sometimes this indicates a move to another location.

If lord of the 5th, this is an excellent time for love relationships and romance. Married couples may conceive children. Investments often work out better than expected.

If lord of the 6th, some fresh faces may appear in your place of employment, and you may make new friends at work.

If lord of the 7th, you may be thinking of tying the knot. It is usually an excellent time for marriage and all sorts of partnerships.

If lord of the 8th, banks are receptive to requests for a loan, but you may not need one. Occasionally this is a sign of inheritance.

If lord of the 9th, legal matters tend to work in your favor. You may come into contact with foreigners more frequently, or possibly feel like visiting exotic locations for fun. Published works may become popular.

If lord of the 10th, it is a favorable time for promotion or for getting what you want out of your boss. Relationships with superiors are improved. Your personal popularity and profile is increased.

If lord of the 11th, your social circle is very conducive to making the kinds of connections that you need to get ahead. Friends are very helpful. It may be a time of increased acquisition and income.

If lord of the 12th, it is favorable for peaceful retreat. You may be feeling more charitible and sympathetic than you're used to. You may be imposed upon for favors.

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