Timaeus Help

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Update Planetary Hour Stats

Select how often you wish to have Timaeus recalculate the current hour progress using the "Update Planetary Hour Stats" combo box.  There is a range between 1 second and 1 minute.  I personally prefer a 10 second interval.  The more often you check, the more accurate and current your measurements will be.  However it does involve some overhead in system resources. 

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Keep in mind that while an hour is in progress that there isn't a sudden change between hours but a phasing in and a passing away of an hour at the time of an hour change.  The strongest part of the hour is the center.  For instance if it is currently a Saturn hour but only 2 minutes remain, you know that Saturn is giving way to Jupiter, 5 minutes later Jupiter is more dominant but there will still be saturnian issues.  Wait 10 - 15 minutes into the start of a planetary hour be be safely into the pure expression of that hour.

Zoidiasoft Technologies Astrology Software